Canada Post - Automatic tracking app


Canada Post’s most used tool on their mobile apps is Track. Canada Post wanted to expand its use and introduce a feature that would allow users to track a package on its way to them even if it was sent by someone else.

User goal:

To not have to manually enter tracking numbers

Project goal: 

To increase customer satisfaction through an improved tracking experience, by automating the process of adding tracking IDs to user's lists, and setting default preferences.


In testing, customers thought that if they tagged an item as “not my package” it would not be delivered to them. I had to make it clear that it was only to help the algorithms learn. There was a long list of reasons that an item that a customer thought wasn’t there’s, actually was that was originally visualized as a wall of text. I sourced the reason codes from the product manager and distilled the list into 3 or 4 bullet points. The bullet points were scannable and helped the user understand.

The names on the package needed to match the names that the customer registered with us. A packaged addressed to H.K. Miller instead of Heather Miller wouldn’td be tracked. We created a flow for the alternative names.


Testing revealed that the first impressions of Automatic Tracking were that it was convenient and easy to use.
Users loved the convenience of being notified when packages are on the way without having to add them to the list manually.
Over 60,000 users signed up to use automatic tracking and over 130,000 packages auto-tracked within two months of launch.


The delivery status screen is the same as the status screen on the Track app with the addition of “Not my package” and “Send feedback” buttons.

The “Not your package” screen listed the most common reasons why a person might not recognize a package. It then advised that flagging a package would only help the algorithms learn and wouldn’t change the delivery.

When a subscriber has a package added automatically for the first time, a banner is displayed to familiarize them with the new UI. New auto-tracked packages are listed with a blue dot in front of them.

The “Not mine” flag appears on the status and track summary screens. We developed a flagged package screen reinforcing the utility of flagging a package. The stakeholders especially liked that we thanked the user for helping us improve the tool.

The value proposition is presented in 3 bullet points in the opt-in screen that is displayed when a user launches the Canada Post app.

The benefits are reinforced on the sign in screen.


Google Material - Alt text article


BMO Advice Direct - MyAdvice